About Us


A national content and global level institution that contributes in spreading knowledge and developing intellect, culture and literature.


Providing innovative scientific and cultural products, unique publishing services that meet reader’s (community) needs of knowledge and contribute in developing intellect and literature to achieve our national mission and enable us to global pioneering.


  • Enrich reader’s knowledge ambitions.
  • Provide distinct cultural products that contribute in community intellectual development.
  • Provide efficient initiatives and participations in implementing UAE strategy on knowledge, cultural and intellectual development.
  • Build distinct relations with international, governmental and private institutions to develop works.


  • Transparenc
  • Dedication
  • Teamwork
  • Knowledge generously

About the founder

  • Born in UAE – Dubai.
  • University instructor in Islamic Culture and Community.
  • An expert member in the International Islamic Jurisprudence Complex.
  • A member of administrative boards in many public societies.
  • A marriage official and a family consultant.
  • Instructor and a participant in many social activities, conferences and training.
  • Has got many publications and researches; some of them was translated.
  • Participant in various media.
  • Has several community and national contributions.
  • Founder of Soft Power for Consultations and Training.
  • Founder of Dar Saif for Publishing & Distribution.

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